Average Sales Prices in AUG 2019 remained higher than AUG LY in all the counties. (Sumner showed a -0.1% decline). On a YTD basis, all 9 counties show increases in Avg. Sale Prices. Maury reported the highest percent increase at 10.5% while Robertson reported the...
Paula Hinegardner, ABR, CRRS, Luxury Realtor
Nashville Real Estate Monthly Market Report June 2019
Avg Sales Prices in JUNE 2019 were better than June 2018-in all but Sumner County. Year-to-Date, all counties except Robertson, had increases in sales prices. All counties median prices remained better than the same time frame in 2018. Davidson's Avg. Sales Price in...
Nashville Real Estate Market Reports May 2019
Avg Sales Prices in May 2019 remain better than May 2018-in all but Robertson County. Year-to-Date, all counties had increases in sales prices & median sales prices over the same time frame in 2018. Davidson's Avg. Sales Price in May hit $433,996 for an 11.4%...
April 2019 Monthly Market Reports
Monthly Market Report for Single Family Homes Average Sales Prices in APRIL 2019 are remain better than APRIL 2018-in all but Wilson County. Year-to-Date, all counties had increases in sales prices & median sales prices over the same time frame in 2018. Wiliamson...
Nashville Area Real Estate Market Report March 2019
One quarter of the year is behind us and all counties Avg. Sales Prices remain ahead of March 2018. Only one county is reporting an avg. sale price below LY on a YTD basis. The Median Sales Prices are still comfortably ahead of last years prices. The range of increase...
Nashville Area Real Estate Market Reports Februrary 2019
While 2019 is still young, it appears trends from the past few months will continue into the new year-with little noticeable changes thus far. Avg Sales Prices in February 2019 are still better than February 2018-in all but two of the 9 counties that are now being...
Nashville Area Real Estate Market Reports December 2018
2018 has ended, but the growth in Average and Median Sales Prices in Middle TN has continued to increase in all counties on this report. The percent of increase in sales price compared to December 2017 ranged from a low of 3.7% in Sumner to a high of 14.1% in...
Nashville Area Real Estate Market Report – November 2018
Average sales prices in NOV 2018 vs. NOV 2017 remained higher in all counties, except Davidson & Sumner. YTD Sales Prices compared to YTD LY continue to outpace last year, with Maury and Robertson showing the highest percent of increase at 9.9% % and 15.1%...
Paula Hinegardner
Phone: 615-618-1330
Email: PHinegardner@me.com
Keller Williams